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Tomorrow I’m on the Doug Stephan’s Good Day Radio Show!

Tunecore Cover Jillaine Bigger 2-01

Tunecore Cover Jillaine Bigger 2-01

Finals are “finally” over! Actually, they weren’t quite as stressful as I had anticipated. Not that they were easy—they were definitely challenging—but “first-semester-law-school-anxiety” didn’t overtake me!

Now I can focus on Christmas and Jazzy Christmas to You III. Which brings me to the exciting news I alluded to in a blog a few days ago.

Tomorrow morning at 6:40 AM Eastern Time I will be the “Christmas Star of the Day” on the Doug Stephan’s Good Day Show! I’m very excited!

If you can’t listen in live, no worries, you can still listen to the recording of the interview. I will post the link when the interview is uploaded to the Doug Stephan’s Good Day Show website.

And if you’ve been waiting to buy your physical copy of Jazzy Christmas to You III, your wait is over! You can order your CD at Amazon®. Don’t worry if it says “out of stock.” If you order, the CDs will arrive at your door.

So listen in tomorrow to the Doug Stephan’s Good Day Show radio show at 6:40 AM Eastern Time.

For me, Christmas is officially starting NOW since my finals are over. To show how excited I am to be on the show tomorrow I want to share with you my jazzy rendition of an old Christmas boogie woogie song, “Boogie Woogie Santa Claus” from Jazzy Christmas to You III!

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About Jillaine: As a professional jazz singer who also studies law, savoring daily nosh with family refreshes me. You are invited to my table to try great food, hear tasty music, and join in upbeat conversation!

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