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Pesto: A More Recent Birthday Tradition


I don’t know how it started, but for a few years now, I’ve always made sure I have a pesto dish around my birthday. This is incredible pesto linguine with fresh spinach and cracked pepper. It was delicious!

So it may be an unusual birthday tradition, but it’s still a tradition!

When I think pasta and pesto I think…Italian! One of my favorite “Italian” love songs is “Return to Me.” When I was learning art songs in high school, I learned to sing phonetically in French, German, and Italian. I also learned to sing “Return to Me,” though not an art song, in Italian.

So check out Dean Martin singing “Return to Me!”

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About Jillaine: As a professional jazz singer who also studies law, savoring daily nosh with family refreshes me. You are invited to my table to try great food, hear tasty music, and join in upbeat conversation!

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