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Moving Forward with a New Logo!

I am so excited to unveil the new logo for Jillaine Records! I can’t divulge anything about it yet…it is still in the development stages. But trust me, it is sweet!

A simple overview would be that it is sleeker, more streamlined, and fits my evolving look. No, I’m not suddenly going “punk rocker” or “pop diva,” just more indicative of where I am and who I am.

Also, look for a redesigned, more complete “brand” look to my website and associated sites in the coming months. Not that anything is wrong with my site the way it is, I just feel like it is time to move forward on several parts and pages.

I LOVE looking forward. It allows me to look back and see how far I’ve come. I suppose if I were to dwell on what’s ahead, I could feel overwhelmed. But really, that’s silly and would only cause me to feel some things are impossible, instead of soon-to-be accomplished with just a bit more to do!

Besides, who of us is ever really finished with anything in life? Circumstances and opportunities are always changing and hopefully, we are progressing in our changes–always for the better, hopefully!

So on to a great August full of redesign and new music!

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About Jillaine: As a professional jazz singer who also studies law, savoring daily nosh with family refreshes me. You are invited to my table to try great food, hear tasty music, and join in upbeat conversation!

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