Today two important changes came about for Jillaine Records: a new home page for and a completely new blog, Jazzy Morsels! Both have been in the works for six months!
Erik—the hero of Jillaine Records—has made easier to navigate.
The new audio player plays 30-second clips of many of my songs that play from page to page as you navigate through the website. You can even browse through the songs by pulling up the playlist and choosing what you want to hear!
Also new is the video player on the home page that plays a few videos plus you can view more videos on the Videos page or on YouTube.
To introduce you to Jazzy Morsels, this new blog, Erik put on the home page the rss feed widget so you can check out the most recent posts on my blog! Once again, Erik is the genius who came up with the perfect name for my blog, one that thematically connects food and life with jazz songs!
New to Jazzy Morsels is how easy it is to search for recipes—and print them for your own collection! And there will always be a new jazz song to pair with your food each day. This affords you a new recipe to try and possibly a new song or musician to discover.
So if you love living life and eating great food—baking, cooking, preparing, serving, and sharing it—and listening to great music, you will experience a uniquely remarkable connection between the two each day by following Jazzy Morsels.
So check out the new look! And most appropriate to help me introduce the new website look and the new blog name, Jazzy Morsels, is “Hey, Look Me Over” sung by Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney.